Happy Day

Hi everyone..starting from today onwards, poyo have make a rules that every wednesday, the post must be in English language. the point poyo want to do it because poyo's english was very2 bad. at Altera, we must communicate in english with each other. because of poyo's bad english, sometimes poyo feel that poyo cannot communicate and become passive. at altera, poyo was very2 different compared to when poyo outside (because poyo was very talkative and likes to make joke at outside)..

actually today was a happy day for poyo. poyo think today poyo done poyo's job very2 well. poyo can finished job that have been pending for quite a long time. this is because of yesterday session with poyo's boss which have make poyo refresh and being sprited again..thanks a lot to poyo's boss Ian. poyo very thankful because have him as a boss..

after finishing the jobs, poyo realized that the jobs that pending actually can be solve easily as long as poyo put all effort on it.like a malay broken said "di mana ada kemahuan, disitu ada jalan & usaha tangga kejayaan"..

now poyo was counting time to going back to muor my hometown..poyo really miss poyo's family..last night poyo's sister, farahida called poyo said that she was missing poyo..haha..she will take add math paper today and hopefully she doing well..all the best my little sister!!!

ok laa..poyo think poyo want to stop here laa..actually poyo still at work right now..still have work to do..poyo did not want to stop pending it since poyo was fully sprited right now..hehe

ok..babai everybody!!!
3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    hehehe.....gud work!!!-farah cute-

  2. hehe..thanks..but look at my english..very bad rite..BTW farah cute ni sape??

  3. Anonymous Says:

    farah cute ne farah adek aliq la..haha